Newsletter June 2024: Prospera Biennial: Rising Temperatures

A letter from our Executive Director,
Alexandra Garita
Dear friends and colleagues,

I hope you all have been finding ways of cultivating your health, energies, and peace, in an increasingly dehumanizing and polarized world. May the remaining of this year continue to unveil new and exciting opportunities for our relentless pursuit of a more equitable and just world.

As many of you already know, after seven years of having the privilege of working hand in hand with you in service of funding feminist movements, I have decided to step down from my role as Executive Director of Prospera INWF to explore new horizons.

In line with feminist leadership principles, I will continue as Executive Director until the end of this year to ensure a smooth and comprehensive transition. Meanwhile, Prospera’s Board of Directors is already conducting a thoughtful and transparent transition process, aiming to introduce Prospera’s new Executive Director at our forthcoming Biennial in Tanzania. This will enable us to work together for the remainder of the year until my term officially concludes.

Prospera stands in a terrific position with a robust membership, secretariat team, and board. The network’s financial health, influence, and collective power are stronger than ever, and increasingly more relevant in our contexts of poly-crises.

I look forward to seeing you all October 1st – 2nd at our Biennial in Tanzania.

With appreciation,

Read full Newsletter here