Dialogues on Feminist Funding for Climate Justice


OCTOBER 1-3, 2024
*October 3rd will be an exclusive day for Prospera INWF members

Over the last twenty years, Women’s and Feminist Funds have increased our power, influence, and impact to significantly raise more and better resources to create enabling environments for gender equality and human rights. As feminist funders, our main collective purpose is to support women, girls, trans, intersex, and non-binary people’s groups, organizations, collectives, and feminist movements to thrive.

We are committed to ending all economic, social, political, and environmental injustice. We imagine a world where equity, well-being, and peace prevail for everyone, not just for a few privileged. We yearn for different ways of decision-making, shifting and holding power, and re-distributing resources in equitable and socially just ways.


While feminist funds have only supported climate justice work for the last decade, we understand that the root causes of climate crises are not isolated but intertwined with various forms of intersecting inequalities. Moreover, the climate crisis is a direct consequence of patriarchy, which enables a system where certain groups benefit from the overexploitation of natural resources at the expense of the planet and the majority of its peoples.

Much of the Women’s and Feminist Fund’s current climate support is delivered through rapid response grants to environmental and land defenders, indigenous peoples, and their communities, particularly in Latin America. We recognize an urgent need to double down in all regions to support climate action. The multiple environmental challenges we are facing in terms of food security, ocean and land protection from deep sea and land mining, clean energy and a just transition (particularly in the Global South), water management, and the displacement of communities and populations —are all dependent on massive investments in public infrastructure, regulation of the current uses of natural resources within planetary boundaries, and the protection of the remaining natural resources and the indigenous peoples that protect them. In addition, there is an urgent need to re-examine the macroeconomic and global governance architectures that allow deepening inequalities between the North and the South in the name of new or green economies.

In a time when Global South countries are increasingly indebted, where civil society movements and organizations are being criminalized for organizing, environmental activists are being persecuted, killed, and disappeared, and artificial intelligence is transforming day-to-day life as we know it, we need to urgently and collectively address the structural and intersecting inequalities that underlie climate issues through a feminist approach.


In our gathering, we will explore concrete actions to resource innovative thinking and efforts in such adverse contexts. We invite funders, governments, allies, and activists to join us in these dialogues to strategize together to adequately fund, support, and partner with other feminists and indigenous women to achieve a gender and environmentally-just world.

*October 3rd will be an exclusive day for Prospera INWF members.


Prospera’s XIII Biennial, Rising Temperatures, will take place at the Hyatt Kilimanjaro in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, from October 1st to the 3rd, 2024. October 3rd will be an exclusive day for Prospera INWF members.  


All conference fees include attendance at Prospera’s XIII Biennial events and meals.

* Prospera members, please email biennial@prospera-inwf.org for more information on accommodation.

  • Biennial conference fees.
  • Accommodation in standard room, from September 30th to October 3rd, 2024.
  • Biennial conference fees.
  • Accommodation in upgraded room, from September 30th to October 3rd, 2024.
  • Biennial conference fees.
  • Without accommodation.

We want to
see you there

After registration, you will receive a confirmation email from Prospera. We will then contact you with payment details.


When and where are these events happening?

Prospera INWF XIII Biennial, Rising Temperatures: Dialogues on Feminist Funding for Climate Justice, will be held from October 1 to October 3 at the Hyatt Regency Dar es Salaam, The Kilimanjaro, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

The Gender Justice Climate Summit will occur from September 27 to September 29 and will be by invitation only.

  • How many people from my team can come to the Biennial?

Friends of Prospera, partners, and allies: we kindly request a maximum of two representatives per organization to attend.

  • Are there any discounts if I bring more than one person from my organization?

Unfortunately, Prospera INWF doesn’t offer any discounts at this time, but we do offer packages for shared rooms.

  • What is the registration fee for Friends of Prospera, partners, and allies, and what does it cover?

We have different packages for you to attend the Biennial, from September 30th to October 3rd, 2024.

Package 1 Biennial fees + accommodation in a standard room $1,600 USD

Package 2 Biennial fees + accommodation in an upgraded room $1,800 USD

Package 3 Biennial fees with no accommodation $500 USD

We also have some availability for shared rooms. If you are interested in this option, please contact us for further information.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email, please check your spam folder in case you do not receive it. For further questions, please email us at biennial@prospera-inwf.org.

Will childcare be available?
Childcare can be available upon request before May 30th. Please indicate your childcare needs when you register.

  • Payment details

After you register, you will receive a confirmation email from Prospera. Following this, we will contact you with payment details.

  • Where can I find information about visas to Tanzania?

You can find information about visa requirements on the Tanzania Government’s official website: https://visa.immigration.go.tz/guidelines. If you require an invitation letter from Prospera INWF, please do so upon registration or by email at biennial@prospera-inwf.org.

  • ¿Cuándo y dónde se celebran estos eventos?

La XIII Bienal de Prospera INWF, Rising Temperatures: Dialogues on Feminist Funding for Climate Justice, tendrá lugar en Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, en el Hyatt Regency Dar es Salaam, The Kilimanjaro, del 1 al 3 de octubre.

La Gender Justice Climate Summit se llevará a cabo del 27 al 29 de septiembre, por invitación solamente.

  • ¿Cuántas personas de mi equipo pueden asistir a la Bienal?

Friends of Prospera, socios y aliados: les pedimos de la manera más atenta que sólo asistan un máximo de dos representantes por organización.

  • ¿Hay descuentos si asisto con más de una persona de mi organización?

No, Prospera INWF no ofrece descuentos por el momento, pero sí contamos con paquetes de habitaciones compartidas.

  • ¿Cuál es la cuota de inscripción Friends of Prospera, socios y aliados, y qué incluye?

Las cuotas de inscripción a la XIII Bienal de Prospera incluyen asistencia a todos los eventos y comidas. Del 30 de septiembre al 3 de octubre, 2024.

Paquete 1 Cuotas de inscripción Bienal + Alojamiento en habitación estándar $1,600 USD
Paquete 2 Cuotas de inscripción Bienal + Alojamiento en habitación mejorada $1,800 USD
Paquete 3 Cuotas de inscripción Bienal sin alojamiento $500 USD

* Miembros de Prospera, por favor envíen un correo electrónico a biennial@prospera-inwf.org para obtener más información sobre el alojamiento.

Después de registrarte, recibirás un email de confirmación. Por favor, revisa tu carpeta de spam en caso de no recibirlo. Si tienes más preguntas, envíanos un correo electrónico a biennial@prospera-inwf.org.

  • ¿Habrá servicio de guardería?

Habrá servicio de guardería si se solicita antes del 30 de mayo. Favor de indicar sus necesidades de guardería al momento de inscribirse.

  • ¿Dónde puedo encontrar información sobre visados para Tanzania?

Puedes encontrar información sobre los requisitos de visado en la página oficial del Gobierno de Tanzania: https://visa.immigration.go.tz/guidelines. Si necesitas una carta de invitación de Prospera INWF, solicítala al momento de inscribirte o por correo electrónico a biennial@prospera-inwf.org.

  • Quand et où se déroulent ces événements?

Prospera INWF XIII Biennale Rising Temperatures : Dialogues sur le financement féministe pour la justice climatique se tiendra à Dar es Salaam, en Tanzanie, au Hyatt Regency Dar es Salaam, The Kilimanjaro, du 1er au 3 octobre.

Le sommet climatique sur la justice de genre (sur invitation uniquement) aura lieu du 27 au 29 septembre.

  • Combien de personnes de mon équipe peuvent venir à la Biennale?

Amis de Prospera, partenaires et alliés : nous demandons un maximum de deux représentants par organisation.

  • Y a-t-il des réductions si j’amène plus d’une personne de mon organisation?

Non, Prospera INWF n’offre malheureusement pas de réductions pour le moment, mais nous proposons des forfaits pour les chambres partagées.

  • Quels sont les frais d’inscription pour les amis de Prospera, les partenaires et les alliés, et que couvrent-ils

Nous proposons différents forfaits pour vous permettre d’assister à la Biennale. Pour 3 nuits, du 30 septembre au 3 octobre, 2024.

Forfait 1.- Frais biennaux + hébergement en chambre standard 1600 USD

Forfait 2.- Frais biennaux + hébergement dans une chambre surclassée + Chambre d’hôtel surclassée 1800 USD.

Forfait 3.- Frais biennaux sans hébergement 500 USD.

Nous avons quelques disponibilités pour des chambres partagées, si vous êtes intéressé par cette option, veuillez nous contacter pour plus d’informations.

Après votre inscription, vous recevrez un e-mail de confirmation, veuillez vérifier votre dossier spam au cas où vous ne le recevriez pas. Pour toute autre question, veuillez nous envoyer un courriel à l’adresse suivante : biennial@prospera-inwf.org

  • Des services de garde d’enfants seront-ils disponibles ?

Une garde d’enfants peut être disponible sur demande avant le 30 mai. Veuillez indiquer vos besoins en matière de garde d’enfants lors de votre inscription.

  • Où puis-je trouver des informations sur les visas pour la Tanzanie?

Vous trouverez des informations sur les exigences en matière de visa sur le site officiel du gouvernement tanzanien : https://visa.immigration.go.tz/guidelines. Si vous avez besoin d’une lettre d’invitation de Prospera INWF, veuillez le faire au moment de l’inscription ou par courriel à l’adresse biennial@prospera-inwf.org.


For more information, please contact us at biennial@prospera-inwf.org